More changes

We are working on pushing a large portion of our workload for testing and development to Azure with help of several local industry partners. We will soon have job postings for qualified developers as well as fresh out of college CS and CE graduates. Send us an email with your resume if you think you may he interested –

Currently we now have 11 full time developers, 1 full time office admin and project manager, and 3 part time interns from local higher education schools working towards our project goals. By 11/01/18 we intend on adding 7 more developers and 5 more (spring through summer semester) interns through partnerships with higher education.

We are shifting most of our focus right now to smart system automation, AI, machine learning and assisting humans in the workplace or at home. GIS mapping integration will soon play into this down the road, so stand by for big news in the coming weeks.

Big changes

We have a few large development projects on deck currently. Lots of GIS backend integration and web interface development happening currently.

We are splitting off from our IT consulting firm to focus strictly on development and integration projects. We will be introducing our programmers and integration techs once the dust settles. Thank you for the patience of our customers.

Development projects

We are currently in the process of updating our backend monitoring systems. Any current customers should not notice any outages in services.


We have a development team member studying up on some new Virtual Machine opportunities.


Please stand by for updates of big things coming!


We are a local IT/Network Consulting and Automation Development Company working on primarily integration of smart automation systems with day to day online services used by professionals. We have a total of 5 developers with various types of backgrounds. We are 15 months old of a startup, mostly self funded as well as having contracts follow several of us from our previous full time employment doing automation control system programming and firewall design/deployment. Each of us have our specialties in programming as well as knowledge of all things IT. We have in house Microsoft and VMware certified staff to help.

Some of our most recent clients include groups that are requesting help integrating GIS servers with backend database and file servers. Most of the backend equipment is Windows Server 2016 Standard with several Hyper-V VM’s running various other systems. There are several subcontracts that we have been awarded dealing with local groups in development of automation control integration platforms (Bacnet IP) with their current Server 2012R2 frontend servers.

With this we are also developing automated monitoring systems of online hosted GIS services and map servers. We are considering our options of using AZURE for virtual machines rather than the racks of Vmware Vsphere 6.5U1 infrastructure that we are needing to replace soon due to age of hardware and power consumption. We are outgrowing our current location both locally as well as our hosted rack space.

Our facebook that is getting up to speed is: